
Personal Info

To make a payment, follow these steps:

1. For Cash App:

    1. Submit payment: $E4Life

2. For Zelle:

    1. Go to Send money with Zelle®
    2. Add or select the recipient (678.953.2092 - Derrick Teagle E4L)
    3. Enter the amount and select your funding account
    4. Review and state what the payment is for in the Memo field (Black Mamba Package, GA Elite Showcase, etc.)
    5. Select Send
    6. You will receive a receipt through email

3. For Venmo:

      1. Tap Pay/Request at the bottom of the screen
      2. Search and add the person (@E4Life - Empowered 4 Life)
      3. Enter an amount and add a note (Black Mamba Package, GA Elite Showcase, etc.)
      4. Tap Request or Pay
      5. You will receive a receipt through email

Empowered 4 Life
75 Widgeon Dr.
Newnan, GA 30263

Your payment is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: $1.00